Thursday, April 21, 2011

3eb and easter hooray!

I'm really excited to report that I'm going to see Third Eye Blind in concert next Friday. I thought we weren't going to go because we're going to see Tesla, and thats a lot of money...but my awesome husband surprised me with tickets for my birthday (early present!)! So Excited. Can't wait. So also Easter is on sunday. which is very exciting. We're having our first ever Easter service at the Farmington Town hall this year and its gonna be fantastic i'm sure. I love our group of regular farmington volunteers. Fun times!! And awesome people! Oh lets see what else is new. Oh, well I had a mole that was "moderate atypia", and had to have a chunk of skin removed and get stitches from it, which were just removed yesterday! Let me tell you, stitches are so annoying and itchy!! But they're gone now and I am thankful for that. Now I get to go to the skin doctor once a year or more depending on if they find any more suspicious artifacts on my polka-dotted body. Fun times. Gotta wear that spf...hmm my baby niece is already 3 months old! And she is absolutely gorgeous and the best lil baby in the whole world!! And I wish I could see her more!! So darn busy ALL the time and I just want to hang out with that little bundle of joy!! I'll hafta work on that. I feel like I just can't keep up with everything thats going on, and that I'm always either forgetting something or missing out on something. Its terrible. It's like some days I only come home just to go to bed. Craziness! It's my own fault though. I can't say no to anyone. Gotta work on that....Anyways, didn't really have anything super important to write, just felt like writing. Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I'm really excited because TESLA is playing in Hampton in May. I really can't wait. I have big plans to get Jeff Keith to sign my peace bandana. Seriously. It's gonna be crazy. Also, well actually I guess thats it. Oh. I'm going to Haiti in July. I'm not sure if I wrote that before. I was really almost anti-going to haiti but here i am, already paid for, and already got a plane ticket. funny how things work out, isn't it? i think it will be a good thing. they do need a lot of help still. and thats what we'll be doing, helping. And i hate it when people say that people in america need help and why are we going to haiti. I'm very aware that people in america need help too. Very aware. And I feel like we do a lot to help out here all the time! Really! So that's all I have to say about that. I just have to wonder what they would say if they actually went to Haiti and saw the state of living down there. I know people have it bad here to, and I know theres poverty here...but i think it's on a whole different level there. Anywho, that's all I have to say about that. What else....I don't know. Sometimes I feel really stupid. I guess everybody does at times....but I just do stupid stuff all the time. I guess it's alright though. You know, I don't really have much that I'm thinking about writing right now, at least nothing that I would want to write down for the world to thats about all i'm gonna say for now..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm still hopefull for 2011

We're only a month and 5 days into the new year...and i will say it started out well, better then the fish dog episode of 2010..we hung out with some good friends and went to portsmouth for the first night festivities, which was pretty fun! We've had some pretty intense snow storms already this year, which always seem to fall on Wednesdays. Those have been exciting...and also a little overwhelming! So much snow! Everywhere! It's hard to see out of the driveway, kind of like a guessing game where you hope for the best as you back out! Anyways, what else. oh yes! Baby Mia has arrived! January 21st, 2011 at 3:25 am she came into the world! And she sure is precious! I'm also happy to report that Mia and hare are doing very well and very healthy! :) And also, it's such a wierd feeling to be an auntie, but it's a feeling i very much enjoy! more than anything really! John and I have had quite a rough couple of weeks...with all the snow he hasn't been having work as much which kind of puts a strain on our finances. and it seems like our house is just falling apart at the seams! Our pipes froze last week and we had no water, and thankful my dad, bill, and my grandfather helped to fix the situation. i don't know what we would have done without them, we don't know anything about those kinds of things. and now apparently we need new heat tape...and also, the hot water heater just broke and started leaking everywhere! and now there are lumps in the floor. which i feel is probably a bad thing for the future. I'm envisioning the bedroom floor rotting out or something terrible. But actually, as we speak, john and bill are working on putting in a new heater and getting some new wood to put around it. bill to the rescue again! he's awesome. Oh and i also forgot to mention that we ran out of oil during the last snow storm, and the oil people weren't sending trucks out that day due to the weather. The big storm day was the day we were due to get an oil delivery! gah! feels like everything just keeps going wrong. like we're going up the river without a paddle. i just hope everything starts to chill out soon. i don't know how much more i can handle! Anyway. It's only february i'm hopeful we just had a rough month and now things will start to get better. I try to stay optimistic but sometimes i just start feeling really sad about stuff you know? And I also feel like a let down a lot of the time...but whatever. things are bound to get better, right?